Thursday, July 28, 2011

First post of the year - oh dear!

So I haven't posted for 2 years. Oh my, what happened to 2010? I guess I'm just not in the blogging habit yet, unlike dear daughter.

I have a book at the library waiting for me which should be fascinating. It's the story of a woman who witnessed the shooting of her parents at a young age and what God does in her life after that. "The Devil in Pew Number 7" is the title, and it's available at the local library - after I'm done with it. :-)

I just finished another book, also non-fiction, "Public Education against America" by Marlin Maddoux. I can't imagine anyone wanting to send their kids to the public/government schools after reading it. Next book is "Brainwashed" by Ben Shapiro - all about the leftist, liberal indoctrination students get at the universities. It's probably best to be self-educated at the rate things are going.